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​The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of the disease. Thomas Edison




 Ayurvedic Principles


‘’Ayu” stands for life while “Veda” means knowledge. Therefore, Ayurveda refers to the knowledge of life.  Ayurveda is an ancient holistic system of health in India which has been practiced for over 5000 years. It is a science of healthy living that combines all phases of life including body, mind, and soul.  In order to understand Ayurveda, it is important to understand the relationship between the body, mind and soul.

Ayurveda is based on the concept of five elements (pancha mahabhuta) which consist of space (Akasha), air (Vayu), fire (Agni), water (Apas), and earth (Prthivi).  They exist in all matter, both organic and inorganic. As humans are the micro cosmos of nature, the five elements also exist in each one of us.

The concept of Doshas (constitution-prakruti)

The Ayurvedic term for humour is dosha, meaning ‘that which can be spoiled or affected’. When out of balance, doshas become causative factors for diseases or imbalances. Ayurveda groups the five elements into three doshas.

    Vata                                 Air (vayu) + space (akasha)
    Pitta                                 Fire (agni) + water (apas)
    Kapha                              Water (apas) + earth (pruthivi)

These three energies govern all bodily functions.

Vata helps to govern the nervous system and resides in the spaces of the body. It is the energy of movements and actions.

Pitta exists in the body in the form of bile and acid. It is the energy of transformation, digestion and assimilation, and is mainly related to the digestive system.

Kapha is the building energy of the body, lubrication and nutrition. It relates to the respiratory system.

Holistic medicine Montreal

​Health and Ayurveda

Good health is usually a goal for all of us.  However we often only pay attention to our health when something goes wrong. It is only when we are diagnosed with a serious illness do we set out to learn all we can about that particular illness and the way we can fight it. This process provides us with some knowledge about the illness but why not become an expert in our health rather than the disease.

Ayurveda is the system of health in harmony with the nature. Ayu” means life and “Veda” means knowledge. Having its roots in ancient India, it is both a system of medical knowledge as well as a comprehensive knowledge of life itself. Ayurveda offers knowledge about our senses, mind, emotions, body, our relationships with others and the environment, and most importantly with ourselves. It is based on the development of consciousness that underlies and integrates all aspects of life.

According to Ayurveda our physical well being not only resides in our body, mind and emotions but also is completely connected to the biological cycles of nature, to the seasons, and the universe itself.  Once we tune in with the nature that exist within us, we can stir the biological memory in every cell in our body to act in their collective best interest and helping us to achieve a state of excellent health, deep happiness with  longevity.

Ayurveda fundamental healing principle is based on creating a balance between the mind, body, and emotions by re-awakening the source of our biological intelligence. Ayurveda offers a full system of prevention based on our individual constitution.  This programme can be added to your daily routine which will lead to changes in your physiological and psychological health. Even the most serious imbalances such as cancer and heart disease can benefit from an Ayurvedic program which is designed to promote re-balance of our health.

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